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Whom Do I Contact with a question or suggestion?

Lake Geneva Schools’ communication protocols help promote direct, open, and respectful interactions so that we quickly and efficiently resolve problems and concerns. The communication protocol starts with the staff member closest to the situation, as that person usually has the most information. However, at times, additional personnel are required to resolve specific concerns. Appropriate communication channels for a variety of topics are listed below.

  • Academic or Classroom concerns should first be addressed with the classroom teacher.
  • School wide concerns should first be addressed to the school principal or associate principal.
  • District level concerns should first be addressed with the administrator responsible for the program or service. 

Communication Protocol

School Office

Phone: 262-348-6000
Fax: 262-248-0456


Health Office

Phone: 262-348-6002


535 Sage Street
Lake Geneva, WI 53147


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Staff Directory

< 1 2 3 4 > showing 21 - 40 of 61 constituents
Heather Hutchinson

Heather Hutchinson

Titles: 4th Grade Teacher
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6120
Genise Kamps

Genise Kamps

Titles: Administrative Assistant Student Services
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1102
Stefanie Keisler

Stefanie Keisler

Titles: School Nurse
Locations: Badger High School, Star Center Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Matt Kirst

Matt Kirst

Titles: Physical Education Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6119
Michelle Kitzman

Michelle Kitzman

Titles: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4316
Jamie Kluge

Jamie Kluge

Titles: Instruction Coach
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4126
Sara Knysz

Sara Knysz

Titles: Administrative Assistant Curriculum & Instruction
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1008
Amanda Krause

Amanda Krause

Titles: Director of Bands - Lake Geneva Middle School
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School, Star Center Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-3000 ext. 3327
Michelle Lambert

Michelle Lambert

Titles: Math Interventionist
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000

Andrea Ledesma

Titles: School Counselor
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6114
Piper Lois

Piper Lois

Titles: EL Reading Specialist
Locations: Lake Geneva Middle School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6214
Karen McGrath

Karen McGrath

Titles: Accounts Payable/Bookkeeper
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1007
Karen McKinney

Karen McKinney

Titles: Reading Teacher
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6210
Lisa McLernon

Lisa McLernon

Titles: Financial Assistant
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1006
Tammy Mikrut

Tammy Mikrut

Titles: Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Locations: Lake Geneva Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-1000 ext. 1005
Brandy Myron

Brandy Myron

Titles: Health Paraprofessional
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4001
Sheila Nelson

Sheila Nelson

Titles: Food Service
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6256
Carol Nocek

Carol Nocek

Titles: 5th Grade Teacher
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6204
Abbey Nor

Abbey Nor

Titles: 4th Grade Teacher
Locations: Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-6000 ext. 6220
Sarah Opie

Sarah Opie

Titles: Special Education Teacher
Locations: Central-Denison Elementary School, Star Center Elementary School, Eastview Elementary School
Phone Numbers:
School: 262-348-4000 ext. 4220
< 1 2 3 4 > showing 21 - 40 of 61 constituents