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Pick Up & Drop Off


  • 8:20 Supervision starts and students may arrive at school and proceed to their classrooms
  • 8:20-8:35 Breakfast is available
  • 8:35 Instruction begins, both in-person and virtually
  • 3:35 Pick ups and walkers are dismissed
  • 3:40 Bus students are dismissed

For the safety of our students, please ALWAYS observe the following:

  • Do NOT use the bus lane. The crosswalk is used all day long, and students need to be able to cross safely.
  • Please do NOT park in the "No Parking" zones by the islands, as this creates traffic flow issues.
  • If using Sage Street for drop off or pick up, please park your car and meet your students at the top of the hill.

End of the Day Transportation

End of the day bus and pick-up changes must be made no later than 2:00 PM. While we make every effort to notify teachers of changes, it is most effective if a note is sent with your child in their Agenda.


Morning & Afternoon Student Drop-Off & Pick Up Procedures 


AM Drop Off: 8:20 - 8:35 AM

  • Enter the parking lot at the far Sage Street entrance.
  • Pull into Lane 1 to drop off student. Students should exit on the right side of the vehicle and cross with the adult to the school building.
  • Parents remain in the vehicle.
  • Exit the parking lot using the same entrance.
AM Drop Off picture


PM Pick-up: 3:35 - 3:40 PM

  • We ask that parents arrive no earlier than 3:25 PM.
  • If using the parking lot for pick-up, enter the parking lot at the far Sage Street entrance.
    • Park vehicles in Lanes 1, 2 and 3 of the parking lot; when Lane 1 becomes full, then use Lane 2, and then Lane 3. 
    •  Please do not block the drive for buses that will be coming into the lot.
    • Students will walk to your vehicle and enter the vehicle on the right side. There will be adults to monitor students crossing in the lot.
  • Parents may also park on both sides of Sage Street. We ask that parents park North of the crosswalk at Dodge Street.
    • We will help students cross Sage Street at the crosswalk. 
PM Drop Off picture